Thursday, February 9, 2012

family reunion!

First off, sorry I've been rubbish at the whole blogging thing for the last month! I hope you still like me. :)

So, I got to come home to beautiful North Carolina for 10 days! (I leave tomorrow to go home to beautiful Colombia.) Motive for the trip: My cousin, Jeanne's wedding. Jeanne Kearney Moore is my closest cousin in age, less than a year older than me. She's a beautiful woman with a sweet spirit, and I was so thrilled to be able to celebrate with her and her beloved, Joseph (Jody) Moore. Jeanne is from my mom's side of the family, which is the big side of the family. There are 6 children, 20 first cousins, and 12 (or more?) great-grandchildren. Not everyone could go, but a large majority of the family was present, including folks I hadn't seen for more than three years!

(Beth, Marjory, Iris, Miriam, Jeanne, and Emily)

I also had a lot of quality time with my parents, brothers, sisters-in-law, niece and nephew, and paternal grandparents.

(Emily and Finley)

(Candice, Emily with Abel, and Ryan)

It has been a great time, a time of rest and enjoying the company of others. I'm really grateful to be here!


MarySuz said...

i spy your bridesmaid dress from my wedding!

ps--- miss u already.

Emily said...

yeah, thanks for picking a re-usable dress! :)
it was great hanging out with you and Elliot! miss you too!!!