Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I want to cook!

But they cut the gas last Thursday and we still haven't gotten it reconnected! Here's how it happened:
I went downstairs to boil some water for tea, but the stove wouldn't light. That evening I asked my roommate, Rebecca, about it and she discovered a lock on the gas box outside. After calling around to make sure the bill got paid, we discovered that the only probable reason the gas got cut off was because the company didn't return to complete an inspection. We were told they'd come by on Saturday to reconnect it, but no one ever showed up. This week we've been asking and calling and expecting that someone else was calling, only to find out that none of us did it. Today we finally got the account numbers and everything, called the company, called their affiliate, and have an appointment set for tomorrow afternoon!

As my non-Spanish-speaking housemate, B.J., always says, "It's Colombia: mañana." Everything is always put off until tomorrow.

So, I'm headed out to the store around the corner to buy food to cook in the microwave. I've gotten tired of eating out. My other housemate, Madeline, searched microwave recipes online so we'll actually have good food.
...if I ever get to leave the house. Right now, the little boy who I'm taking care of is being defiant. We were almost ready to leave, and all he had to do was put on his shoes, but now ten minutes later I'm still trying to get him to just sit in discipline. Life with a 3 1/2 year old is difficult at times, but very rewarding at other times.
Half and hour later, he's finally sitting. Tantrums are no fun for either of us, nor for anyone else who lives in this house or who is visiting. Madeline went to the store herself.
Hopefully after he sits for his five minutes we'll have a good chat and then we can go help Madeline cook, which he likes to do!

1 comment:

mary deff said...

oh my goodness, a three year old is a hard thing, probablly harder with one who is testing you out.
it is horrable to get ready to go somewhere with a toddler belive me i know.
i will especially pray for you on that one.
much love