Friday, April 3, 2009

The rabbit in the snare, the stars called by name

I was surprised to find it was Thursday morning already. Flooded with the feeling of life's fleetness again. "These weeks are flying by. My LIFE is FLYING BY. Am I living it well? To the fullest?"

And now it's Friday afternoon, for which I'm glad, and next week is Semana Santa so our regular programs will be closed and the whole team is going up to do work on the "farm"... I'm looking forward to the changes of scenery, pace, tasks, people. Pray for good weather. Lots of rain will mean we can't get the work done that needs done, and we also can't have a bonfire.

Working with children is hard when you're hoarse. By the time we got home today and J. went "directo a la cama" (straight to bed) for having thrown a fit with me, I was left feeling tired, physically and emotionally. I needed to feel more human -- which is the way I describe it when, after working with grungy little kids, I want to feel like a woman again -- so I changed my shirt and took Andrea's advice to pamper myself, repainting my toenails. Then I put on my weekend tennis shoes (that is, the pretty ones) and Madeline did me the favor of being in the house with J. sleeping so I could go across the street to the new coffee shop.

God bless the people who just opened that place. I feel like it's a special gift for me... somewhere less than a minute away where I can go get a cappuchino and sit and regain myself. So I sat and read a bit, and this is what the author said to me this time:

"Paradox again: to take ourselves seriously enough to take ourselves lightly. If every hair on my head is counted, then in the very scheme of the cosmos I matter; I am created by a power who cares about the sparrow, and the rabbit in the snare, and the people on the crowded streets; who calls the stars by name. And you. And me."


Laura Fissel said...

oh darling,
i find myself praying for you to have the strength and patience to be a mother. strange that you have been called to do this at this time in your life.
you are such an incredible woman! i miss you.

mary deff said...

wow being a mom is so hard. though it can be rewarding, i hope you get some rewards soon