Thursday, March 24, 2011

the purpose of ministry is to change the minister

The scene:
Tony, Laura and I in my living room, chatting to catch up on the day. Eight children, ages 1-11 in the house. J. in discipline, waiting for me to go talk with him.

Emily: "I have to go talk to J. He's in his room."
Laura (English sarcasm): "Oh, he's not just there for fun"
Emily (gives a quick summary of what happened): "Yeah, the two things that bother me most are a mocking attitude and disrespect."
Tony: "So, why are you working with street kids?"
Emily: "I think God wants to change that in me."
Tony: "And then you can have a NORMAL job!"

1 comment:

MarySuz said...

i love that you have straight-talkers around you like this. it makes my heart happy.